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The Charity’s trustees are committed to the safeguarding of all those who come into contact with the Charity, particularly children and vulnerable adults.
The Charity hires out its premises for the benefit of the local community. The Charity does not carry out any other activities but children and vulnerable users may come into contact with the Charity through the hiring of the Charity’s premises by individuals, local groups, organisations and charities.
The Charity’s trustees have a duty to safeguard all users of its premises. Particularly vulnerable users include children, young people, adults or children with learning difficulties or an illness affecting their mental or physical health, as well as frail and elderly people.
The purpose of this policy therefore is to:
- Create a trusted environment where everybody feels safe.
- Promote an organisational culture that prioritises safeguarding.
- Provide all individuals/groups hiring out the Charity’s premises for activities (the Hirer), particularly those that involve vulnerable users, with a safeguarding framework under which the Charity’s premises are hired.
Hirers applying to hire the hall for activities involving children and/or vulnerable adults will be asked to confirm that they have a safeguarding policy and may be asked to provide a copy of their safeguarding policy before their booking is accepted. Use of the premises may be refused where adequate safeguarding protection cannot be demonstrated to the Charity’s reasonable satisfaction.
This policy forms part of the Conditions of Hire of the Charity’s premises and must be complied with at all times. Failure to comply with this policy contributes a breach of the Conditions of Hire.
Safeguarding Lead
The Charity’s Safeguarding Lead is the General Manager and is contactable on 01865 595611.
What is meant by safeguarding?
Traditionally, safeguarding related to children (defined as individuals under the age of 18) and vulnerable adults. However, the Charity adopts the Charity Commission’s broader definition of safeguarding as meaning protecting people who come into contact with the Charity from abuse or mistreatment of any kind.
Safeguarding Commitments
The Charity takes the safeguarding of all who come into contact with the Charity, particularly children and vulnerable adults, very seriously. Individuals or groups that hire the Charity’s premises do so taking full responsibility for safeguarding and in full knowledge of and commitment to the Charity’s safeguarding expectations and requirements. In particular, the Hirer agrees that it:
- has in place an appropriate safeguarding policy which is up-to-date and relevant to the beneficiaries taking part in their activities and, on request, may provide the Charity with a copy;
- ensures and is able to demonstrate, where relevant, that all paid staff and volunteers attending the Charity’s premises have completed an appropriate level of safeguarding training and obtained satisfactory disclosures from DBS where eligible;
- will always have at least two individuals over the age of 18 years in any group of children, vulnerable adults or young people, no matter how small the group whilst using the Charity’s premises;
- will ensure that no person under the age of 18 years will be left in charge of any children or young people or vulnerable adults of any age whilst using the Charity’s premises;
- will ensure that no child or group of children or young people or vulnerable adults is left unattended at any time whilst using the Charity’s premises;
- will ensure that no photographs of children or vulnerable adults are taken on the Charity’s premises without written parental/guardian/carer consent;
- will keep secure (in line with data protection legislation) a register of children, young people or vulnerable adults attending the activity on the Charity’s premises. This will include details of their name, contact details of parent/guardian/carer etc., date of birth and next of kin;
- will designate a safeguarding person for their activity group and make all participants aware that any safeguarding concerns should be raised with the nominated individual;
- will advise the Charity, at the time of booking, of the identity and contact details of their designated safeguarding lead;
- will respond without delay to every complaint which suggests that a child, young person or vulnerable adult has been harmed or is at risk of harm whilst undertaking activities on the Charity’s premises;
- will report any safeguarding concerns relating to the Hirer’s activities on the Charity’s premises promptly to the Charity’s Safeguarding Lead;
- will cooperate fully with the Charity and any relevant authority in dealing with investigations into complaints or concerns relating to their activity on the Charity’s premises and carry out any recommended further actions; and
- will contact the police on 999 if the situation is urgent or immediately dangerous.
This policy was reviewed by the trustees on 27 January 2022.
Download this page as a PDF: Safeguarding Policy